
On.Plant WMS and WCS for the new automated warehouse in Cortilia

WMS and WCS guarantee a cutting-edge automated picking system.

Cortilia - WMS and WCS software

Online shopping that brings the countryside to your home

Cortilia is a Milan-based company leader in e-grocery and characterized by a strong attention to environmental sustainability and the quality of the assortment of fresh fruit and vegetables. Founded in 2011, Cortilia chose Onit in 2016 to digitize the logistics of its manual warehouse and thus enable the delivery of orders to the customer within 24 hours in Lombardy. The possibilities for growth in the following years push Cortilia to expand the delivery service first to neighboring regions and then throughout Italy.

In 2021 Cortilia inaugurates a new headquarters/warehouse in Cassina de' Pecchi (MI)




of punctual deliveries

B Corp


Customer need

A new automated warehouse to manage

For the opening of the new automated warehouse in Cassina de' Pecchi, on the outskirts of Milan, Cortilia was looking for a reliable, but at the same time flexible, partner to digitally manage its warehouse. The Cassina warehouse is made up of a conveyor system in which the customer's order, made up of one or more cartons, travels in parallel through three distinct areas of the warehouse (dry, fruit and vegetables, fresh), stopping in several bays to allow the operators to carry out picking activities and insert the products into the various cardboard boxes. Furthermore, in the final phase, the sequencing of the boxes based on the loading plan via Gantry/Carousel automation is envisaged.

The main challenge mainly concerned the need to manage high picking volumes per hour.

On.Plant Solution

WMS and WCS to automate the flow and optimize picking

Strengthened by the great execution capacity demonstrated in 2016 with the first installation on a manual warehouse, Onit managed to once again gain the trust of Cortilia, activating its On.Plant/WMS and On.Plant/WCS solutions in the Cassina plant .

The Warehouse Control System - WCS management software, developed by Onit to efficiently supervise and control the flow of objects, boxes and pallets moved on different types of automation in the logistics sector, was used in the Cortilia warehouse to define the routing logic of the cardboard boxes, communicate with the low level automation and provide a series of dashboards for the supervision of the system.

Onit's Warehouse Management System - WMS Software allows you to supervise all warehouse operations, from goods receipt to storage and preparation of shipments, distributing workloads based on roles and work areas.

The possibility of configuring the picking flow according to the needs of the various bays allows Cortilia to better manage the workload. On.Plant/WMS calculates in advance the number of boxes to be used for each customer order and optimizes their entry and management in the plant.

The complexity of Cortilia's flows was optimally managed by Onit through a dynamic simulation tested on the plant's Digital Twin, an activity that allowed since the beginning the implementation of a solution that was already fully operational in terms of application performance and robustness.

Results achieved

WMS and WCS for automated and cutting-edge management... in full Cortilia style!

Cortilia today can enjoy a cutting-edge automated picking system, which allows it to easily manage high volumes of picking lines processed per hour. The solidity and optimization of the system's performance, obtained in a very short time thanks to the Digital Twin, is undoubtedly another strong point of a digitalisation project which has allowed the customer to maintain, in the face of an expansion of activities, the high quality standards of its service.

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