Slot Booking

Suppliers / Customers / Transporters can book a time slot to go to the warehouse for collection or delivery, thus minimizing waiting times. The available slots respect the working capacity constraints set up on the system.

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Fraunhofer IML validation

In 2024 Onit reobtained the Fraunhofer IML validation for On.Plant/TMS.
The important German research institute, part of the largest applied research organization in Europe (Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft), has certified the quality of the software that allows the planning and optimization of shipments, enables tracking of trips in real-time and facilitates communications within the transport network.


To be used as a stand-alone module or integrated with the WMS, Slot Booking is a collaborative Supply Chain platform that allows transporters and suppliers to book the time slots available to collect or deliver goods at a warehouse.

This consequently makes it a valid tool also to support the company's logistic office, allowing for the management of calendars for loading/unloading activities and the relative progress.


  • Reduction of waiting times for the vehicle in the yard and parking on the dock
  • Improvement of vehicle planning for the transporter/supplier
  • Improvement of the organization of warehouse teams
  • Reduction of gatherings, keeping in mind the fight against Covid-19
  • Better control of the process, thanks to the status of use of the docks in real-time
  • Availability of structured and certified data, eliminating manual data entering

The Slot Booking features that improve your work

Availability Calendar

The configuration of the calendar allows the logistic office to define, for the various days of the week, the loading/unloading time slots. Furthermore, for each slot, the availability of the warehouse teams is indicated to check the possibility to perform the activities.

Bookings Dashboard

The warehouse manager accesses a summary dashboard where it is possible to view all the bookings of the slots made by transporters or suppliers.

Slot reservation

Each company (supplier or transporter) can book a loading/unloading slot at a depot. Several fields must be filled in, to inform the warehouse manager about which vehicle will show up at the entrance and what type of goods they will deliver/collect.

Notification Center

With the data received from the integration with the WMS it is possible to generate progress alerts and to proactively send reminders and important notifications for each actor involved in the supply chain. This allows everyone to have the information they need to take faster decisions.

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